Student Researchers

Zach Walton

MS Student (2022—2024)

Zach’s MS thesis research focuses on determining the nature and origin of carbonate alteration that affected ultramafic lamprophyre dikes occurring in the Western Kentucky Fluorspar District.

Before starting his graduate studies, Zach interned with the Kentucky Geological Survey in their ‘Paul Edwin Potter Internship Program.’ During his internship, Zach collected fluid inclusion microthermometry data on fluorite, sphalerite and calcite samples from the Western Kentucky Fluorspar District.

Zach also worked at KGS as a student employee during the summer of 2021 with Dr. Lukoczki helping with the organization and inventory of a legacy rock and mineral collection with specimens from Kentucky’s mineral districts.

Laura Oborne

Undergraduate Researcher (2021—2022)

Laura worked on modern Ca-Mg carbonate sediments from Brazilian lagoons. Her work was instrumental in preparing the samples for X-ray diffraction analysis to characterize the mineralogical composition of the sediments in these lagoons with the ultimate goal to elucidate how high-Mg calcite transforms to dolomite.

Laura presented the results of her research project at the North-Central/Southeastern GSA meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, in April, 2022. Her abstract can be read here.

Since graduating with her BS in Geology degree at UKy, Laura has been working as a hydrogeologist with the North Dakota Department of Water Resources.