International Journals
Körmös, S., Varga, A., Raucsik, B., Lukoczki, G., Radovics, B.G., Papp, N., Futó, I., Schubert, F. 2023: Reservoir heterogeneity of an Eocene mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession, northern Pannonian Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 147, 105984.
Foster, W.J., Lukoczki, G., Sebe, K., Price, G.D., 2021: Middle Triassic carbon isotope fluctuations in the Mecsek Mountains, Hungary. Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 10.1127/nos/2021/0627
Lukoczki, G., Haas, J., Gregg, J.M., Machel, H.G., Kele, S., John, C.M. 2020: Early dolomitization and partial burial recrystallization: A case study of Middle Triassic peritidal dolomites in the Villány Hills (SW Hungary) using petrography, carbon, oxygen, strontium and clumped isotope data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109, pp. 1051–1070.
Győri, G., János Haas, J., Hips, K., Lukoczki, G., Budai T, Demény, A., Szőcs, E. 2020: Dolomitization of shallow-water, mixed silicilastic-carbonate sequences: Lower Triassic ramp succession of the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. Sedimentary Geology, 395, 105549.
Lukoczki, G., Haas, J., Gregg, J.M., Machel, H.G., Kele, S., John, C.M. 2019: Multi-phase dolomitization and recrystallization of Middle Triassic shallow marine–peritidal carbonates from the Mecsek Mts. (SW Hungary), as inferred from petrography, carbon, oxygen, strontium and clumped isotope data. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 101, pp. 440–458.
Haas, J., Hips, K., Budai, T., Győri, O., Lukoczki, G., Kele, S., Demény, A., Poros, Z. 2017: Processes and controlling factors of polygenetic dolomite formation in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary ‒ a synopsis. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106, pp. 991–1021. DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1347-7
Lukoczki, G., Budai, T., Németh, T. 2015: Sideritic-kaolinitic and Green Clay Layers in the Mecsek Mountains (SW Hungary): Indicators of Middle Triassic Volcanism – Myth or Reality? Central European Geology, 58/4, pp. 334–355. DOI 10.1556/24.58.2015.4.4
Haas, J., Lukoczki, G., Budai, T., Demény, A. 2015: Genesis of Late Triassic peritidal dolomites in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. Facies, 61:8, pp. 1–28. DOI 10.1007/s10347-015-0435-7
Hungarian Journals
Körmös, S., Lukoczki, G., Schubert, F. 2020: Indication of hydrocarbon migration in the Western Mecsek Mountains evidenced by fluid inclusion chemostratigraphy. Földtani Közlöny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society), 150/4, 611–614. DOI: 10.23928/foldt.kozl.2020.150.4.611
Lukoczki, G., Schubert, F. 2014: Traces of hydrocarbon migration in the Central Mecsek Mountains. Földtani Közlöny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society) 144/4, pp. 403–407.
Lukoczki, G., Schubert, F., Hámor-Vidó, M. 2012: Traces of hydrocarbon migration near Pécsvárad (Mecsek Mts.) Földtani Közlöny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society) 142/3, pp. 229–241. (in Hungarian with English abstract)
Lukoczki, G. 2009: Analysis of the organic matter of the Hosszúhetényi Calcareous Marl Formation (A Hosszúhetényi Mészmárga Formáció szerves anyagának vizsgálata) Modern Geográfia 4, pp. 1–10. (in Hungarian)
Hungarian Book Chapter
Lukoczki, G. 2010: Results of the organic matter analysis of the Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation (A Hosszúhetényi Mészmárga Formáció szerves anyagát érintő vizsgálati eredmények bemutatása). In: Görcs Noémi Lívia, Pirisi Gábor (szerk.) Tér – Tálentum – Tanítványok II. Pécs (ISBN: 978-615-5001-03-1) (in Hungarian)
Conference Abstracts
Lukoczki, G., Dietsch, C., Hickman, J. 2021: Magmatic rare earth element occurrences in the Illinois–Kentucky Fluorspar District. GSA Connects 2021 in Portland, Oregon, October 10–13, 2021, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53/6,
Lukoczki, G., Burgess, S.A., Tobin, B.W., Florea, L. 2021: Evolution of Matrix Porosity and its Effect on Cave Passage Development. GSA Connects 2021 in Portland, Oregon, October 10–13, 2021, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 53/6,
Lukoczki, G., Sarin, P., Gregg, J.M., John, C.M., 2020: Crystal Structure of Dolomites Recrystallized at Low vs. High Water to Rock Ratios. Goldschmidt Virtual 2020, June 21–26, 2020.
Andrews, W.M., Lukoczki, G., 2020, Earth MRI activities at the Kentucky Geological Survey. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 52, No. 2., https://10.1130/abs/2020SE-345374
Lukoczki, G., Sarin, P., Gregg, J.M., John, C.M.: Geochemistry and Crystal Structure of Recrystallized Dolomites. Goldschmidt2019, Barcelona, Spain, August 18–23, 2019
Lukoczki, G., Gregg, J.M., Haas, J., Machel, H.G., John, C.M. 2018: Multi-phase Dolomitization and Recrystallization of Middle Triassic Peritidal–Shallow Marine Carbonates of SW Hungary. 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Quebec City, Canada, August 13-17, 2018
Lukoczki, G., Sarin, P., Gregg, J.M. 2018: Application of the Rietveld Refinement Method for the Study of Dolomite Diagenesis. 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Quebec City, Canada, August 13-17, 2018
Gregg, J.M, Sarin, P., Lukoczki, G.* 2018: Application of X-ray Diffraction Methods to Understanding the Diagenesis of Dolomite. 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Quebec City, Canada, August 13-17, 2018 (*Presenting author)
Lukoczki, G., Sarin, P., Gregg, J.M., John, C.M. 2018: Interpretation of Recrystallization Processes of Sedimentary Dolomites as Deduced from Crystal Structural and Geochemical Data with Implications for Reservoir Characterization. AAPG ACE 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20-23, 2018
Lukoczki, G., Gregg, J.M., Haas, J. 2017: Multi-phase dolomitization, recrystallization, and porosity development of Middle Triassic shallow marine–peritidal carbonates of the Mecsek Mountains (SW Hungary). 2017 Mountjoy Carbonate Research Conference, Austin, Texas, June 25–29, 2017
Lukoczki, G., Haas, J., Hips, K., Budai, T., Győri, O., Kele, S., Demény, A., Poros, Zs., 2017: Processes and controlling factors of polygenetic dolomite formation in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. 2017 Mountjoy Carbonate Research Conference, Austin, Texas, June 25–29, 2017
Atekwana, E., Heibel, K., Lavolette, C., Lukoczki, G.,* Missi, C. 2016: Research in introductory stable isotopes: Determining the source of carbon dioxide and organic carbon in select carbonated beverages using stable carbon isotopes. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Paper no. 305-6. Denver, Colorado, September 25–28, 2016 (*Presenting author)
Lukoczki, G., Schubert, F. 2016: New fluid inclusion evidence of multi-phase hydrocarbon migration in fracture systems of Triassic–Jurassic strata of SW Hungary. Pan-American Current Research on Fluid Inclusion Conference Abstract Volume, p. 79–80. Columbia, Missouri, May 24–26, 2016
Haas, J., Lukoczki, G., Budai, T., Demény, A. 2015: Genesis of Late Triassic peritidal dolomites in the Transdanubian Range, Hungary. 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology Abstract Volume, Paper SS07b.04 Cracow, Poland, June 22–25, 2015
Lukoczki, G., Haas, J. 2013: Diagenetic history of Middle Triassic shallow marine carbonate rocks of South-Transdanubia. Proceedings of the 4th Petrological-Geochemical Congress, Orfű, Hungary, September 12–14, 2013, pp. 21–25. (extended abstract with English summary)
Lukoczki, G., Haas, J. 2013: Diagenesis and dolomitization of Middle Triassic shallow carbonate ramp deposits in southwest Hungary, 30th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology Abstract Volume, Paper T7S1_P36 Manchester, UK, September 2–5, 2013
Lukoczki, G., Haas, J. 2013: Reconstruction of the diagenetic history of the Middle Triassic Csukma Dolomite (Mecsek Mts. and Villány Hills, SW Hungary), Geophysical Research Abstracts 15 (EGU General Assembly). Paper EGU2013-12273-1. Vienna, Austria, April 7–12, 2013
Kovács, J., Újvári, G., Seelos, K, Varga, G., Ottner, F., Lukoczki, G.* 2013: Pedostratigraphy of pre-Quaternary/Quaternary red paleosols from Central Europe based on geochemical and clay mineralogical proxies. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15 (EGU General Assembly). Paper EGU2013-10697. Vienna, Austria, April 7–12, 2013 (*Presenting author)
Lukoczki, G., Schubert, F. 2011: Traces of hydrocarbon migration in the fracture-system of the Jurassic Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation (SW Hungary), European Student Petroleum Congress, ’East Meets West’, Cracow, Poland, April 13–15, 2011
Lukoczki, G., Schubert, F. 2010: Traces of primary hydrocarbon migration in the outcrop of the fractured Jurassic Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation (SW Hungary). Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series. The 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary, August 21–27, 2010
Lukoczki, G. 2009: Investigation of hydrocarbon migration in the fracture system of the Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation (A Hosszúhetényi Mészmárga Formáció repedésrendszerében zajlott szénhidrogén-migráció körülményeinek vizsgálata). XXIX. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia (National Scientific Conference for Students), Szombathely, Hungary, April 7–9, 2009, Abstract book, p. 252. (in Hungarian)
Lukoczki, G. 2009: Investigation of hydrocarbon migration in the fracture system of the Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation (A Hosszúhetényi Mészmárga Formáció repedésrendszerében zajlott szénhidrogén-migráció körülményeinek vizsgálata). XL. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja (Annual Meeting of Young Geoscientist), Keszthely, Hungary, March 27–28, 2009, Abstract book, pp. 23–24. (in Hungarian)
Lukoczki, G. 2019: Geochemistry and Crystal Structure of Recrystallized Dolomites. PhD Dissertation. Oklahoma State University. 197 p.
Lukoczki, G. 2009: Investigation of the organic matter and cementation history of the fractured Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation near Pécsvárad (A repedezett Hosszúhetényi Mészmárga Formáció szerves anyagának és cementációtörténetének vizsgálata Pécsvárad határában). MSc Thesis. University of Szeged. 49 p. (in Hungarian)
Lukoczki, G. 2009: Investigation of hydrocarbon migration in the fracture system of the Hosszúhetény Calcareous Marl Formation (A Hosszúhetényi Mészmárga Formáció repedésrendszerében zajlott szénhidrogén-migráció körülményeinek vizsgálata). Thesis for the 29th National Scientific Conference for Students, Szombathely, Hungary, April 7–9, 2009. 37 p. (in Hungarian)